To avoid too much noise from companies, please post job openings there. We have a monthly "Who's Hiring?" post that will stay pinned to the top of the subreddit.
Do Not Post Pirated Materialĭo not post links to or instructions on how to get pirated copies of copyrighted material.
We ask that you not post about closed-source / paid software that is not specifically aimed at Go developers in particular (as opposed to all developers), even if it is written in Go. This includes: - Articles about the language itself - Announcements & articles about open source Go libraries or applications - Dev tools (open source or not) specifically targeted at Go developers Posts must be of interest to Go developers and related to the Go language. Treat everyone with respect and kindness. Follow the Go Code of ConductĪs a part of the Go community, this subreddit and those who post on it should follow the tenets laid out in the Go Code of Conduct: Take responsibility for your words and actions, including their consequences, whether intended or otherwise. sblargaba Fix missing metric on retrieval failure ( 3) 1f05714 on Feb 26, 2021. Avoid snarking (pithy, unproductive, sniping comments) Avoid discussing potentially offensive or sensitive issues this all too often leads to unnecessary conflict. GitHub - wakeful/kafkaconnectexporter: Prometheus exporter for Kafka connect. Avoid unconstructive criticism: don't merely decry the current state of affairs offer-or at least solicit-suggestions as to how things may be improved. This is using danielqsj/kafka-exporter as base image, but gives configuration values as environment variables instead of parameters. Be constructive.Īvoid derailing: stay on topic if you want to talk about something else, start a new conversation. services: my-producer: containername: my-producer image: my-producer:1.0.0 restart: 'no' volumes: - /home/docker/vol/my-producer:/logs networks: - traefik - nwkafka environment: - MYPRODUCERLOGPROFILEdev - MYPRODUCERLOGCONFIGFILE/logs/my-producer. When we do disagree, try to understand why. Interpret the arguments of others in good faith, do not seek to disagree. Kafka Elasticsearch Connector for bulk operations. The Kafka receiver and exporter allows you to send and receive telemetry signals (currently traces and metrics) from a Kafka cluster. In particular, respect differences of opinion. Using the Elasticsearch exporter for Prometheus you can kickstart the monitoring journey in an easy. Remember that sometimes it is best to refrain entirely from commenting.

Think about how your words will be interpreted. Productive communication requires effort. (Meaning and tone can be lost in translation.) 3. Remember that people have varying communication styles and that not everyone is using their native language. Post is not in keeping with an inclusive and friendly technical atmosphere.